According to color therapy, a red garden can stimulate energy, vivacity, and dynamism. Red, orange, and yellow hues in your garden can have a stimulating, exciting, and vibrant effect. Here are 20 plants to focus on for a red-coluored garden, ideal for enhancing your mood and encouraging positive emotions:

1) Aquilegia canadensis: Features dark red petals with yellow highlights, offering a striking contrast.
2) Azalea: Known for its stunning red flowers, it brings a splash of colour to any garden.
3) Begonia: Blooms from April until late autumn, with red varieties adding continuous colour.
4) Gladiolus: Produces red spikes of flowers from June to the end of summer.

5) Calceolaria: Includes species with deep red flowers among other vibrant colours.
6) Callistemon: This shrub produces bright red panicles of flowers from late spring to early autumn.
7) Crocosmia: Offers bell-shaped flowers in bright red, blooming from summer to late autumn.
8) Bougainvillea: A climbing plant with showy red bracts surrounding tiny white flowers.

9) Grevillea rosmarinifolia: Flowers in autumn-winter with shades of red, pink, and white.

10) Hibiscus rosa-sinensis: Produces magnificent red flowers from May to October.

11) Kniphofia: Features tubular flowers with colours ranging from red to yellow, blooming between June and September.

12) Mandevilla (Dipladenia): Produces bell-shaped red flowers that bloom from May until October.

13) Nasturtium (Tropaeolum): Produces large, jagged red flowers, adding a vibrant touch to the garden.
14) Rhodophiala: Native to Chile, this species flowers in late spring and summer with red blooms.
15) Rose: Various types of roses, including climbing and dwarf roses, come in stunning red varieties.
16) Salvia splendens: Known for its bright red flowers and slightly pineapple-flavoured leaves.

17) Oleander: Traditionally pink or white, but hybrids produce beautiful deep red blooms.

18) Poppy: The quintessential red flower, perfect for adding a bold splash of colour to your garden.

19) Tulip: Tulip bulbs are available in many colours, including vibrant red.

20) Zinnia tenuiflora: Produces red flowers, perfect for adding a pop of colour to your garden.

These plants not only enhance the visual appeal of your garden but also bring the energetic and dynamic qualities associated with red hues. Whether for a terrace, dining area, or any garden space, these plants can help create a lively and vibrant atmosphere.